Pengutronix auf dem Live Embedded Event

Jetzt, wo sich durch die COVID-19-Pandemie alle an die Digitalisierung und Online-Konferenzen gewöhnt haben, war es noch nie so einfach, eine Konferenz zu organisieren und alle Experten und Interessierten aus einem Bereich für wenige Stunden des intensiven Ideenaustauschs zusammenzuholen.

Das haben sich auch einige französische Firmen aus der Embedded Branche gedacht und das Live Embedded Event ins Leben gerufen.

Das Live Embedded Event findet am Donnerstag, den 03. Dezember statt und eine Teilnahme ist mit einer kostenfreien Registrierung möglich.

Zu dem Event trägt unser Kollege Chris Fiege bei und erläutert die Vorteile der Testautomatisierung.

Security, Safety, Update
Do, 17:00
How Embedded Developers work from home, using labgrid (Chris Fiege)

How Embedded Developers work from home, using labgrid

Embedded development is complex enough. By automating repetitive parts during development and employing testing, a lot of time can be saved and human errors avoided.

Additionally with an ongoing global pandemic, working from the safety of your home is a good idea. But since embedded development is usually a team effort, scarce hardware must often be shared and  can't be taken home.

At first the presenter takes a closer look at what is actually needed to fully remote-control an Embedded Linux Device: What are the typical interfaces that need to be covered? What remote-control hardware is commercially available?

Next the presenter will focus on the labgrid framework. Labgrid is an embedded board control python library with a focus on testing, development and general automation. After a short overview of labgrid's architecture, the presenter will show how it can be used to remote-control many  Embedded Devices in a (distributed) lab infrastructure and which steps are needed to get labgrid running in your lab.

The presentation will conclude with a short demo of how interactive development with labgrid looks like and how tests are implemented using pytest.

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#FlattenTheCurve – Vorstellung unserer Remote-Infrastruktur

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Pengutronix at All Systems Go!

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FrOSCon 2023

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