Artikel mit dem Tag "rauc"

RAUC v1.12 Released

With 93 pull requests that brought in 248 new commits, a lot happened since the last release on master (v1.11.1). The new v1.12 version of RAUC focusses on making it even more robust while adding some features and improvements.

RAUC v1.11 Released

Ho Ho ho! As the year's progress bar approaches 99%, another update is already completed: RAUC v1.11 is here!

RAUC v1.10 Released

Just in time for the EOSS 2023 in Prague, we have released v1.10 of RAUC. Just-in-time means the release was actually finalized by Jan Lübbe in the train to Prague (like I finally wrote the majority of this blog post on the train back).

RAUC v1.9 Released

"Getting things off the ground" could be the motto for the v1.9 release of RAUC. The support for custom metadata in the manifest got a step further, a new, more flexible, D-Bus API for bundle inspection paved the way for obtaining more detailed information, and a new manifest hash marks the first of several planned changes for configurable event logging. However, one of the most invasive changes happened under the hood: We have started the transition from autotools to meson as a build system.

Saving Download Bandwidth with RAUC Adaptive Updates

Based on RAUC's HTTP(S) streaming capabilities, adaptive updates are a generic concept in RAUC to allow saving download bandwidth and form an alternative to conventional delta updates. This post introduces both the generic concept as well the first implemented method 'block-hash-index'.

RAUC v1.8 Released

When September ends and summer is over, it's a good opportunity to take advantage of the shorter days and comfortably update to the latest RAUC version we have just released into the wild: v1.8

RAUC v1.7 Released

Better late than never: Finally, here is our blog post for RAUC v1.7, which was released a month ago.

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2022

Welcome to our booth at the Embedded World 2022 in Nürnberg!

Tutorial: Start With RAUC Bundle Encryption Using meta-rauc

In its current master branch, RAUC now supports encrypted Bundles. This tutorial will introduce you to the basics of using encryption in RAUC and show how to use it in a simplified Yocto setup with the meta-rauc Layer.

RAUC v1.6 Released

While major changes are about to come, the RAUC v1.6 release already paves the way under the hood. Built-in streaming support will be one of the next features built on top of the 'verity' bundle format in RAUC.

Tutorial: Evaluating RAUC on QEMU - A Quick Setup With Yocto

RAUC is an update framework for safely deploying verified updates on your embedded Linux devices. It ensures atomicity of the update process to protect from sudden power outages, hardware failures, etc. So, why would one like to run RAUC on an emulated platform?

rauc-hawkbit-updater v1.0 Released

Back in 2018, rauc-hawkbit-updater was started by Prevas A/S as a C/GLib port of our rauc-hawkbit Python prototype (also called RAUC hawkBit Client) that was mainly developed for showcases and to serve as a demonstration and evaluation platform for others.

Showcase: Fail-Safe (OTA) Field Updating

Eingebettete Systeme und IoT-Geräte robust und sicher im Feld updaten zu können ist heute eine Kernanforderung jedes Produkts. Das Update-Framework RAUC ist die Basis für eine moderne und zukunftsfähige Lösung. In diesem Showcase zeigen wir die Grundprinzipien eines ausfallsicheren Update-Systems und wie Sie dieses mit Unterstützung von Pengutronix für Ihre Plattform realisieren können.

RAUC v1.5 Released

This release fixes a vulnerability in RAUC that can be exploited under certain circumstances to achieve a local privilege escalation. It provides both a mitigation for the vulnerability when using the existing bundle format as well as a new bundle format that uses dm-verity to continuously authenticate the update data while it is installed.

RAUC v1.4 Released

It's been 3 weeks ago now since the tag for RAUC 1.4 was created. But it is vacation time and so we have a good excuse for communicating things with some delay. Fortunately, the media team is back now and so also those of you who haven't noticed the new release yet will be informed about notable changes.

RAUC v1.3 Released

Here it is, commit number 1700, 291 commits after the v1.2 tag: The v1.3 release of RAUC is out in the wild and adds a lot of new and useful features together with some fixes.

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2020

Yesterday, Embedded World started, in normal times one of the largest trade shows for embedded development in Europe. While many exhibitors (and thus maybe also lots of visitors) have canceled their presence due to the coronavirus, we present our booth and our demo show cases as usual.

RAUC v1.2 Released

Right before the ELC-E starts tomorrow, we used the time in the hotel to bake a brand new RAUC release for you (and your embedded devices)! Well, here it is: RAUC v1.2

Safe and Secure Field Updates of Embedded Linux Systems

In this blog post I would like to address the challenges of performing unattended and verified updates of embedded Linux systems in the field using open source software and workflows. While updating is not a end in itself, a second part of my considerations goes even further and also works out the necessities and possible workflows for keeping the software stack of a project up to date and thus either preventing security issues or at least enabling a short reaction time in case of severe CVE'S discovered.

RAUC v1.1 Released

Just before the beautiful shine of the new has fully disappeared from RAUC 1.0, it is now time to bring out a new release: v1.1.

RAUC v1.0 Released

Four days before Christmas Pengutronix prepared a very special present that probably many of you have been waiting for: The 1.0 version of RAUC!

Pengutronix at FrOSCon 2018

This year, a team from Pengutronix attended FrOSCon in St. Augustin for the first time. We took the opportunity to shake hands, talk about our latest developments and meet hackers interested in working with embedded Linux.

RAUC v0.4 Released

The RAUC team is proud to announce that we've just released RAUC v0.4!

Pengutronix auf der FOSDEM 2018

Wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren ist auch dieses Jahr wieder eine Horde Pengutronix-Entwickler zur alljährlichen Open-Source-Konferenz FOSDEM nach Brüssel gefahren, um sich dort über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Embedded Linux, Graphik und Multimedia, Elektronik und anderen interessanten Bereichen zu informieren.

RAUC v0.3 Released

The RAUC team is proud to announce that we've just released RAUC v0.3! Again, we have worked a lot on stability and support for more and more use cases. RAUC now supports pure UEFI-based booting on x86, multiple board variants in the same bundle, intermediate certificates and enhanced feedback from the boot selection layer.

Bridging the Gap: The RAUC hawkBit Client

OTA field updates are a common requirement in modern embedded device deployments. The larger the amount of devices to control, the more important is having a good infrastructure that is reliable in updating and smart in rolling out the software.

RAUC v0.2 Release

Eine neue Version des RAUC Update Frameworks steht bereit.

Umfassendes RAUC Dokumentations-Update

Wie in vielen Projekten, ist auch bei RAUC an vielen Stellen nach massiver Entwicklung meist nicht mehr ausreichend Zeit geblieben, die Änderungen, neuen Features und grundlegenden Konzepte angemessen aufbereitet in der Dokumentation unterzubringen und zu erklären.

OSADL Networking Day 2017

In the last talk before lunch, my colleague Enrico Jörns talked about the RAUC (Robust Auto Update Controller) framework.

RAUC v0.1.1 released

RAUC is making progress, and my colleagues Enrico Jörns and Jan Lübbe finally pushed out a new release today that reflects what happened during the last months. Updating embedded linux systems in the field in a secure and robust way becomes more and more important; we had many interesting talks with our customers during the last time, and some of the new ideas are already finding their way into the codebase. However, there is still a lot of work ahead, and if you have more ideas, either drop us a note on the community channels, send patches or github pull requests, or ask for commercial help!

Chemnitz Linux Days 2017

In the first talk today, Michael Tretter reports about the current state of Open Source Graphics for Embedded Systems. For regular observers, it's probably not surprising that the focus will be on i.MX6, Etnaviv and the IPU.

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