
ELCE 2020 - Recommended Talks

The Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) is the one biggest meetup of Embedded Linux developers in Europe. As usual Pengutronix has attended this conference - but this year from the warmth of our homes.

eMMC Hardware Partitioning

When designing an embedded system, one must consider both the application and the underlying hardware in combination, if the intended long-term stability is to be achieved. While we discussed the necessity of software updates in previous posts, in this article I describe a way to use a memory subsystem corresponding to its physics to achieve the best retention and lifetime of the whole system.

Pengutronix at the Embedded Linux Conference Europe

The schedule for this year's Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) has just been released. As in the last years Pengutronix contributes talks to current topics around Embedded Linux.

RAUC v1.4 Released

It's been 3 weeks ago now since the tag for RAUC 1.4 was created. But it is vacation time and so we have a good excuse for communicating things with some delay. Fortunately, the media team is back now and so also those of you who haven't noticed the new release yet will be informed about notable changes.

ELC-NA 2020 - A Virtual Experience

In 2020, things tend to be a bit different from what we had before. This is also true for this year's Embedded Linux Conference in North America. The need for keeping physical distance required the Linux Foundation to switch form a real conference to a fully virtual one.

RAUC v1.3 Released

Here it is, commit number 1700, 291 commits after the v1.2 tag: The v1.3 release of RAUC is out in the wild and adds a lot of new and useful features together with some fixes.

#FlattenTheCurve – Introducing Our Remote Setup

The Corona crisis is a challenge that has hit many people as well as most companies quite unexpectedly. The entire team of Pengutronix wants to thank those that currently ensure our essential supplies, health system and civil infrastructure!

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2020

Yesterday, Embedded World started, in normal times one of the largest trade shows for embedded development in Europe. While many exhibitors (and thus maybe also lots of visitors) have canceled their presence due to the coronavirus, we present our booth and our demo show cases as usual.

Don't fear the open source - 101 of license management

Computer programs and code can be protected by copyright law. In Germany this protection cannot be removed. The German Copyright (German: Urheberrecht) grants all right to whoever created the work. Following only this general rule, only the developer could use, modify, share the code he wrote.

License management with the ptxdist make license-report

PTXdist comes with a tool to make license management more simple, namely the command: ptxdist make license-report. This tool generates a license report in pdf format, which filters the used BSP for all known licenses. To generate and comply with the license report should be seen as minimum standard, exceeding efforts should, if possible, be done.