Articles with tag "opensource"

Managing Complexity with Open Source

A few days ago, something exciting happened: I revisited my very first embedded system - a 34 year old stepper motor controller, driving the telescope mount of the Public Observatory Rothwesten, which was built by me back when I was in class 12 in highschool. Comparing those embedded systems from back in the days with the recent industrial systems, it is impressive to see that the latter ones are not managable any more without the use of open source software.

Pengutronix at FrOSCon 2024

On August 17th and 18th, 2024, it's that time again: FrOSCon will take place at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin - and Pengutronix will be there again as a Partner.

umpf - Git on a New Level

Modern software development is commonly accompanied by a version control system like Git in order to have changes to the source code being documented in a traceable manner. Furthermore, any version state should be easily reproducible at any time. However, for work on complex projects such as the BSP ("Board Support Package") of an embedded system with its multiple development aspects, the simple stacking of the individual changes on top of each other does not scale.

Yes we CAN... add new features

Have you ever experienced an otherwise fine product that is missing just the one feature you need for your application?

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2022

Welcome to our booth at the Embedded World 2022 in Nürnberg!

Wir haben doch etwas zu verbergen: Schlüssel mit OP-TEE verschlüsseln

Moderne Linux Systeme müssen häufig zwecks Authentifizierung bei einer Cloud- basierten Infrastruktur oder einer On-Premise Maschine eigene kryptografische Schlüssel speichern. Statt der Verwendung eines Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), bieten moderne ARM Prozessoren die TrustZone-Technologie an, auf deren Basis ebenfalls Schlüssel oder andere Geheimnisse gespeichert werden können. Dieses Paper zeigt die Nutzung des Open Portable Trusted Execution Environments (OP- TEE) mit der Standardkonformen PKCS#11 Schnittstellen und i.MX6 Prozessoren von NXP als Beispiel.

Smart City - vom Rapid Prototyping bis zur Tragfähigen Infrastruktur

Wir wollen zum Bundesweiten Digitaltag am 18.6.2021 das Thema "Smarte Städte" ein bisschen von der technischen Seite beleuchten, aber keine Angst: es bleibt für alle verständlich.

CLT-2021: Mach es einfach anders!

"Mach es einfach anders!" - unter diesem Motto finden die CLT dieses Jahr im virtuellen Raum statt. Wie auch in den letzten Jahren ist Pengutronix als Sponsor dabei. Anders ist, dass wir dieses Jahr unser eigenes kleines Programm mit spannenden Kurzvorträgen und täglich zwei Quiz-Runden mit tollen Hauptgewinnen mitbringen.

#FlattenTheCurve – Introducing Our Remote Setup

The Corona crisis is a challenge that has hit many people as well as most companies quite unexpectedly. The entire team of Pengutronix wants to thank those that currently ensure our essential supplies, health system and civil infrastructure!

Don't fear the open source - 101 of license management

Computer programs and code can be protected by copyright law. In Germany this protection cannot be removed. The German Copyright (German: Urheberrecht) grants all right to whoever created the work. Following only this general rule, only the developer could use, modify, share the code he wrote.

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