Yocto Project Virtual Summit 2021

On Tuesday, 25th and Wednesday, 26th, the 3rd edition of the Yocto Project Virtual Summit took place on the internet. With a fair ticket price of 40$ Pengutronix developers Jan Lübbe and Enrico Jörns got a 2-day long wild ride through the latest features, workflows and experiences with the Yocto Project in

  • 18 talks
  • The Open Embedded Developer Meeting
  • A Social Hour

In parallel to the presentation track, there was also a training room with interactive beginner and advanced sessions. These were already full by the time we booked but could be watched for free (without the material of course).

Conference Information

Available on Pretalx: Schedule

YouTube Playlist: Yocto Project Summit 2021

The conference was (again) held in Zoom with using Slack channels for the track Q&A and general communication. For people not willing or able to use Zoom, there was a parallel YouTube live stream. This entire setup really worked like a charm and made it easy to start short technical and non-technical conversations.

OpenEmbedded Developer Meeting

Being more of a co-located event than actually strictly belonging to the Summit itself, the OpenEmbedded Developer Meeting (OEDVM) took place on the second half of the first day. It is a mix of recent and broader topics discussed by the core developers of OpenEmbedded, the actual build system behind the Yocto Project.

For those interested in what is going on, there is a publicly available topic collection in the OpenEmbedded Wiki.

Final Remarks

We would like to say thanks to the Yocto Project organization committee that made this event possible and to Trevor Woerner for moderating the entire two days and having an 'amazing' for each and every talk.

According to his closing remarks, there were 366 people registered for the entire event and thus way more than initially expected. They split up into 51,9% for the presentation track and 48,1% for the beginner class.

The next Summit will probably take place in September, maybe co-located to this year's ELC.

A final very important take away of the two days that we cannot withhold (as it was repeated so frequently): There is a fan shop available, where you can buy all the T-shirts, stickers, etc. you were not be able to collect from in-person events during Covid time!!: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/the-yocto-project/

See you in September, hopefully.

Weiterführende Links

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