Pengutronix Techweek 2019
An einem weit entfernten Ort, fernab vom Tagesgeschäft, haben sich die Mitarbeiter von Pengutronix zur jährlichen Technologiewoche getroffen.
RAUC v1.1 Released
Just before the beautiful shine of the new has fully disappeared from RAUC 1.0, it is now time to bring out a new release: v1.1.
bbu's Diary: RIPE78 - Reykjavík
Bear and Penguin live a happy life until curiosity attracts them to a journey: to Reykjavík, a place of dreams, with the splendid smell of tomato infused coffee...
Porting Barebox to the Digi CC-IMX6UL SBC Pro
One of our projects required the addition of board support for the Digi ConnectCore 6UL SBC Pro to the Barebox bootloader. This article outlines the used development setup and required additions to the bootloader to support a board with a well supported processor. Development of the board support was done live during the monthly talks at Stratum 0, the hackerspace in Braunschweig. The video (in German) is embedded at the end of the article.
USB-SD-Mux: EMC Testing
Today Jonas and I went to our EMC testing lab to continue the measurements needed to certify electromagnetic compatibility for the USB-SD-Mux.
Netdev 0x13
This year's iteration of the Netdev, the technical conference on Linux networking, was held at the Hotel Grandium, Prague in mid March. Pengutronix was asked to attend the IoT Workshop, which we did with two developers.
A Logo for labgrid
It took us a while to find a good logo for one of our latest (but already quite-a-few-years-out) software projects, called labgrid. In case you have not heard of it yet, feel free to read our short blog post from 2017 or visit labgrid's GitHub page.
Tagebuch: Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2019
In diesem Artikel schreiben wir unser Tagebuch von den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen 2019. Wir laden euch herzlich ein, uns an unserem Stand zu besuchen. In diesem Jahr haben wir bei uns ausserdem das OSADL zu Gast.
Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2019
In bewährter Manier unterstützen wir auch in diesem Jahr die Chemnitzer Linux Tage wieder sowohl als Sponsor als auch durch unsere zahlreiche Anwesenheit.
Pengutronix Contributions to Linux 5.0
Linux 5.0 is out, and while Linus keeps on telling everyone that the number has no special meaning at all, we again contributed about 90 patches as part of our work on industrial projects.