
rsc's Diary: ELC-E 2019 - Day 2

The 2nd day at ELC-E started again with lots of keynotes, so I took the time to meet people at the sponsor showcase area. It's impressive to see that more and more of our industry customers come to these community conferences as well! A better integration of corporate developers with the Embedded Linux community is definitely a good move.

rsc's Diary: ELC-E 2019 - Day 1

Day 1 at ELC-E started with Kernel-CI being a Linux Foundation project now. Read more about the talks I heard today in Lyon below...

RAUC v1.2 Released

Right before the ELC-E starts tomorrow, we used the time in the hotel to bake a brand new RAUC release for you (and your embedded devices)! Well, here it is: RAUC v1.2

ELC-E 2019

Morgen startet die Embedded Linux Conference Europe in Lyon/Frankreich, und wie in jedem Jahr nutzt das Pengutronix Team die Gelegenheit zur Präsentation unserer aktuellen Open Source Aktivitäten und zur Vernetzung mit anderen Entwicklern in der Open Source Community. Folgende Tasks wird es in den nächsten Tagen geben:

Launch of Linux Automation GmbH

We proudly present our new spin-off Linux Automation GmbH for selling hardware products, like USB-SD-Mux.

Safe and Secure Field Updates of Embedded Linux Systems

In this blog post I would like to address the challenges of performing unattended and verified updates of embedded Linux systems in the field using open source software and workflows. While updating is not a end in itself, a second part of my considerations goes even further and also works out the necessities and possible workflows for keeping the software stack of a project up to date and thus either preventing security issues or at least enabling a short reaction time in case of severe CVE'S discovered.

15 Years of i.MX in Mainline Linux

Today it has been 15 years since we mainlined support for Freescale/NXP's i.MX architecture in the Linux kernel! That was one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for (industrial Linux users') mankind :-) Here is some background about why it happened and what you might want to learn from history for your next embedded Linux project.

FrOSCon 14

Pengutronix has been to FrOSCon at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. This year we had a booth where we presented our Open Source activities and were able to contribute three talks. A booth at an Open Source conference like FrOSCon always opens doors to a lot of interesting conversations with new faces, old friends and colleagues.

Statische Dateisysteme

Wann immer es erforderlich ist, ein embedded Gerät einfach so ohne Vorbereitung ausschalten zu können, kommt das Thema Dateisystem-Konsistenz auf. Werden Daten geschrieben und haben vor dem Ausschalten ihren Weg auf das Speichermedium noch nicht vollständig gefunden, droht deren Verlust.