Pengutronix at ESE Kongress

The Embedded Software Engineering Kongress is also taking place online this year and we would like to take the opportunity of easy participation to watch the lectures, join in the discussions and get into conversation.

In order to get into a concrete conversation, we also use the digital conference bag. We cannot distribute our well-known pencils, but our Pengutronix News #30.1 is available for download :-)

Already on 27.11., there will be the ESE Pre-Conference, which can be booked free of charge before the congress. Robert Schwebel will explain how easy it can be to handle complex embedded systems with Mainline Linux.

Tipps, Tricks, Lösungen 2
Fr, 15:45
Komplexe Embedded Systeme mit Mainline Linux beherrschen (Robert Schwebel)

Komplexe Embedded Systeme mit Mainline Linux beherrschen

Wer kennt das nicht im Entwickler-Alltag: Wie so oft soll in der Industrie ein Gerät gebaut werden, das man so in der Form noch nicht auf dem Markt kaufen kann. Vernetzt soll es sein, bunte Grafik haben, natürlich eine Reihe von auf die Anwendung zugeschnittenen I/Os bedienen. Die Werbung der SoC-Prozessoren und Software-Frameworks verspricht, dass alles ganz einfach ist. Ein Toolpartner- und Werkzeuge-Universum um den Hersteller soll die Entwickler schnell ins Thema bringen. Und dann kommt die Realität.

Entwickler von Geräten in der Industrie kennen das Problem seit langem: Die Komplexität der Technologie steigt immer weiter, und damit auch die Anzahl der Projekte, die ihren Zeitplan und ihr Budget reißen. Dabei gibt es vielversprechende Ansätze - zumindest wenn man langfristig denkt.

Als Embedded-Linux-Experten werden wir oft zu Projekten gerufen, in denen "eigentlich" schon fast alles fertig ist; wo die zuständige Abteilung der Kunden aber festgestellt hat, dass die "nur nochs" sich plötzlich zu handfesten Problemen auswachsen und es absehbar oder schon eingetroffen ist, dass die Zeit- und Budgetpläne gesprengt werden. Leider kann man da oft mit "ein bisschen Drüberwischen" keine Wunder mehr vollbringen - die Fehler sind nicht selten schon viel früher in den Projekten verortet. Oft ist die technologische Basis wackelig und die vermeintlich schnellen Lösungen stellen sich als nicht zu Ende gedacht heraus.

Further Readings

Pengutronix at the Embedded Linux Conference Europe

The schedule for this year's Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) has just been released. As in the last years Pengutronix contributes talks to current topics around Embedded Linux.

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2020

Yesterday, Embedded World started, in normal times one of the largest trade shows for embedded development in Europe. While many exhibitors (and thus maybe also lots of visitors) have canceled their presence due to the coronavirus, we present our booth and our demo show cases as usual.

More Conferences in September: Yocto Project Developer Day and KiCon Europe

September 2024 brings a wide variety of conferences: Pengutronix will present talks at the ELCE, Linux Plumbers Conference and All Systems Go. Additionally we will attend two more conferences: The Yocto Project Developer Day in Vienna and the KiCon Europe in Bochum.

Pengutronix at All Systems Go!

This years All Systems Go! will take place on 25. and 26.09.2024 in Berlin. The ASG is a conference about low-level user-space topics. We are happy to contribute a talk about updating systems using RAUC and composefs:

Pengutronix at the Linux Plumbers Conference

The Linux Plumbers Conference 2024 will take place in Vienna from 18. to 20.09.2024. Luckily this does not overlap with the ELCE. Pengutronix will attend the LPC with six colleagues - so watch out for our T-shirts and hoodies and and feel free to chat with us.

Pengutronix at FrOSCon 2024

On August 17th and 18th, 2024, it's that time again: FrOSCon will take place at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin - and Pengutronix will be there again as a Partner.

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2024

Meet Pengutronix at the Embedded World 2024 in Nurnberg! You find us, as always, in hall 4, booth 4-261. As usual, we will be showing demonstrators on current topics at our exhibition stand.

FrOSCon 2023

In a few hours, the 18th FrOSCon will begin at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Pengutronix will be there again with a small team. At one of the partner booths we will show some of our activities in the open source community. We will bring our labgrid demonstrator and the FPGA demo.

Showcase: Embedded off-the-shelf

A firmware upgrade is due. A newly implemented feature needs to be rolled out, a security issue patched or new hardware support added. The software, while capable, is complex. Pengutronix' strategy to handle this complexity is working on a version- controlled Board Support Package (BSP) with continuous updates and tests on the latest mainline Linux kernel.

15 Years of i.MX in Mainline Linux

Today it has been 15 years since we mainlined support for Freescale/NXP's i.MX architecture in the Linux kernel! That was one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for (industrial Linux users') mankind :-) Here is some background about why it happened and what you might want to learn from history for your next embedded Linux project.